Statement of Faith

I believe that Christ, the Son of God, is both fully human and fully divine. In the midst of that paradoxical union an invitation is extended to enter into relationship with God. Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, invites followers by name to come and see; they are to be witnesses to the cross and the empty tomb, to the healing and the teaching, to the compassionate voice and the prophetic voice, to His love and His justice. To be a follower of Christ is to be a witness of Christ’s triumph over death and to know it is God’s boundless love for all that truly sets disciples free.

I believe Christ has called his followers to be a radically inclusive community called to love God and be audacious enough to love their neighbors, even when they disagree. These communities of faith, manifested as the Church, exist so that the followers of Christ can more meaningfully share God’s love with the world. In community, the Holy Spirit effectively moves its members, the body of Christ in the world, to engage in worship, study, meditate, sing, mourn, celebrate and fellowship. The community strengthens the individual by supporting and developing each person; the individual strengthens the community by offering both God-given and personally developed gifts, skills and talents.

I believe the Sacraments are the signs and seals that the church truly exists as the Body of Christ. Baptism is the recognition of the Holy Spirit’s presence upon an individual; as that sacrament is celebrated in community, all present are reminded of God’s love for all. The community of faith is made one with the Risen Lord as all present themselves as a Holy and Living sacrifice that is called to loose the bonds of injustice, to turn swords into plowshares and to set the captives free.

I believe that Scripture is the inspired word of God. Scripture acts as the lens or the spectacles through which the gentle movements of the Holy Spirit become clearer and more focused. Scripture expresses the Love that God has for all and testifies to God’s presence throughout history. Scripture reveals that God, the creator, Christ, the redeemed and the Holy Spirit, the sustainer, is each unique in expression, but united as one. All were active in the beginning of beginnings, in history and still are active today. Even the scriptures self-contained contradictions illuminate the nature of God in the world: a God who is slow to anger is also quick to forgive despite the sinful nature of humans.

Ultimately, I recognize that in my paradoxical existence as a sent follower, I am freed by the Love of God from the bondage of death, and loved into freedom. In this freedom, I am transformed and equipped, through prayer and study and worship and meditation. By the action of Grace in my life, I strive for the creation of God’s kingdom here on earth, a kingdom of equality, shalom, radical inclusiveness and radical hospitality.